CA Final
After successfully passing Intermediate Examination, a student enters into the last leg of the Chartered Accountancy
Course i.e. the Final Course. The Final Course consists of two Groups - Group I and Group II. Group I consists of Four
Core papers and Group II consists of Three Core Papers along with One Elective Paper. Students at the time of
registration for Final Course have to opt for one out of the six options available in the Elective Paper.
Registration Procedure
Students have to register for Final Course by filling Online Registration Form available on ICAI website ( in “Course Registration Forms” under “Students tab”.
Fees: Rs. 22,000
Paper-1 | Financial Reporting |
Paper-2 | Strategic Financial Management |
Paper-3 | Advanced Auditing and Professional Ethics |
Paper-4 | Corporate and Economic Laws Part 1: Corporate Laws Part 2: Economic Laws |
Paper-5 | Strategic Cost Management and Performance Evaluation |
Paper-6 | Elective Paper (One to be chosen from the list of Elective Papers) 6A Risk Management 6B Financial Services and Capital Markets 6C International Taxation 6D Economic Laws 6E Global Financial Reporting Standards 6F Multi-Disciplinary Case Study |
Paper-7 | Direct Tax Laws & International Taxation Part-1: Direct Tax Laws Part-2: International Taxation |
Paper-8 | Indirect Tax Laws Part-1: Goods and Services Tax Part-2: Customs & FTP |
Admission to Final Examination:
1. Students shall be admitted to Final Examination if
a. He is registered for the Final Course;
b. Has completed the Practical Training on or before the last day of the month preceding the month in which the examination is to be held or has been serving the last six months of practical training, including excess leave, if any, on the first the month in which the examination is to be held and
c. Has successfully completed Advanced Integrated Course on Information Technology and Soft Skills.